I wrote this article on Child Custody and the ways in which a lie is used to gain an advantage in Family Court. Whether you are represented by a family law attorney or you are representing yourself, you will likely have to fight a pack of lies. This is an unfortunate fact when people are going through child custody battles that involve minor disputes, or fierce battles over parental alienation. As per the child custody lawyers, the child shall in particular be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child, either directly, or through a representative or an appropriate body, in a manner consistent with the procedural rules of national law.

This quote is from the article to give you an idea of what the article is about:

When you walk in to Family Court as a man – whether it’s for a divorce to challenge visitation rights so you can be a better Dad to your kid, or even to find out just how much money you have to pay your cheating ex-wife, you will not be treated equally.

On the surface you will respectfully be called “Mr.” by the judge. The clerk of the court will very politely swear you and your ex in and the proceedings will begin. Unfortunately, this is about the time that most men are done for. You’ve sworn to tell the truth. You’re a man and have been told all your life to tell the truth, play by the rules and if you’re the better man for the job, you’ll get it.

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